House League
2025 House League Season
Welcome to the 2025 Season of North Toronto Baseball. Our House League program is for boys and girls born from 2007-2019. The regular season runs from the beginning of May to the end of June. Our 6U to 15U divisions return after the summer for playoffs in September.
North Toronto Baseball does not give priority registration to returning players, once registration opens, all players (new and returning) must register. The majority of our house league divisions fill up very quickly. Please make sure to register early to avoid disappointment.
Please review the Baseball Ontario Privacy Document prior to registration. By registering for House League baseball, you have acknowledged that you have received, reviewed and agree with the terms noted in the Baseball Ontario Privacy Document and North Toronto Baseball Associations' House League Registration waiver.
Please review information for Rowan's Law.
Baseball Ontario Privacy Documents:
Baseball Ontario Privacy Document
NTBA and OBA Dual Registration
2025 House League Divisions
6U | 2019 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
7U | 2018 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
8U | 2017 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
9U | 2016 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
10U | 2015 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
11U | 2014 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
12U | 2013 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
13U | 2012 | $350.00 | Registration Opens November 30, 2024 at 9AM
15U | 2010-2011 | $350.00 | Registration Opens November 30, 2024 at 9AM
18U | 2007-2009 | $350.00 | Closed, Please register for waitlist
Payment Method Online Credit Card (Visa, Visa Debit and MasterCard)
FEES The fee covers uniforms, team equipment, trophies, player skills clinics, coach and umpire clinics, umpires, diamond maintenance, diamond user fees and administrative expenses. The player supplies his/her own fielding glove, footwear, helmet, bat and protective cup which is mandatory for all players.
COMMITMENT NTBA team rosters are based on the expectation that registered players will attend nearly all of their games, including September playoffs. Registered families are expected to keep their TeamSnap participation up to date, and if a registered player misses more than 3 games, the League reserves the right to replace that player with someone from the waiting list. Your teammates, coaches and opposing teams are counting on you!
Players cannot be registered for House League in one association and Select in another association.
CODE OF CONDUCT Good sportsmanship, courtesy and respect for one another are essential. Spectators, players and/or coaches are not permitted to harass or direct discourteous remarks at officials or at any player. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the spectator areas, around the base lines, or near the playing field. Any player or coach ejected from a game may have to appear before the Discipline Committee to determine what, if any, further sanctions may be imposed.
BALANCING TEAMS Team rosters are prepared in early spring. Every effort is made to balance the teams according to age and skill level, which is based in part on the previous year's player assessments. Only Coaches' children will not be traded.
FRIEND REQUEST Unlike most organizations NTBA will try to honour one mutual friend request. If your child has a friend he/she would like to be placed with please enter the friend's name in the “friend request box” provided on the profile registration page.
VOLUNTEERS All House League coaches and convenors are volunteers. Please get involved by sending an email to
UMPIRES Most North Toronto Baseball games are umpired by our trained registered umpires. Formal training clinics commence in March 2025.
SPONSORS For our 2025 season, we will be seeking sponsors for each division rather than for each team. A divisional sponsorship will cost $1,750 for the 2025 season and will provide sponsors with the opportunity to display their company logo on jersey sleeves for all of the players and coaches. If interested in sponsoring a division, please send an email to